Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Night Wrights!

Hello, Friends... And Happy Friday!

It's been a wonderful day around here because the Mom was home all day. Unfortunately, she didn't feel well at all... but on the bright side, that didn't get in the way of her waiting on me and the Reufus, hand and paw!

The weather was wonderful, and we did thoroughly enjoy ourselves in the out of doors. If you look closely, you will note a shmear of pumpkin on the bridge of my snooter! Hee hee. I. Am. Adorable.
I play hard to get with the camera, because I never know if or when that bright light is going to flash!
It was a perfect day with the mild temperatures, the kind of day you just savor...
And it was the perfect day for Reufus to snack at The Backyard Buffet!

That silly boy!!! Will he never learn that it's not good to eat stuff off the ground??? But I digress...

In honor of FrEYEday SKYday, I must share:



I guess a more perfect day would have been just a bit cooler, but this one was really pretty spectacular.

And as we close out the day, Mister Fabulous has requested a few closeups. It's MY blog, and I would argue... but it's far easier to just post the photos!
After all, he's about to get a lesson in fabulousness in this new class he's taking! You wouldn't believe the amount of homework! I mean, this is where the rubber meets the proverbial road!

Oh, oh, oh! That reminds me! If you recall, we had a huge pest control company out here last week and several times this week. Well, on Wednesday... the Mom forgot to put the lock back on the gate... and Reufus got out! He was out there a good five minutes or more, unattended... and with the second call of his name, he came running back in the gate. GOOD BOY!!!
And though you've learned a lot, GOOD LOOKS will only take you so far in THIS class! Heh Heh...
It's been a busy day, and now it's night night time!!! Tomorrow is scheduled to be another beautiful day like this one, and I plan to rest up and enjoy it to the fullest!
Before lights out, I will say my prayers... for my pal, Dante... and for All in need. I pray for The Healing. And I pray that all might know the wonderful life of love and happiness that I enjoy. I also pray for swift justice for the 300 dogs rescued from the West Texas puppy mill seizure! [These dogs were in terrible condition.]

On a happy note... because I always like to end on one... I'm happy. I'm loved. I feel good. And I'm in love with the Mom and wif the Life and wif... The You!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khan't believe Merdie didn't miss woo know who!?!

How do those two do it?

We hope The Mom feels The Better!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

PeeEssWoo: I was visiting woo whilst woo were visiting me! LOVED your khomment!

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Bleu! I am glad you had a perfect day, but so sorry your mom is under the weather! I am laughing at Reufus and The Backyard Buffet! Hope you have another beautiful day tomorrow!

Your pal, Pip

Sheila and Bob said...

Hi Bleu,
Hope the Mom feels better it's never good to be sick on a weekend.
You guys are just like us, we snack at the Rabbit drive-through if you catch our drift, and we have ignoring down to a science.
Here's hoping the Reufus gets all his homework done.
Your Buddies from the North

Hamish & Rescue Sophie

Scout and Freyja said...

We are so furry happy that you had the Mom home to tend to you and your lil' brofur but we are unhappy that your the Mom was not feeling 100%. We are hoping that she is soon on the mend. Maybe some l♥ve and cuddles from her two, handsome men would be the PURRfect elixir!

Mr. Scout would like you to know that in our backyard he found a 'dead thing' to toss around and to prance around and to show around - that is - until momma saw it and tooked it from him post-haste. What was the dead thing, you ask? A SKUNK carcass! Imagine that! Mr. Scout felt it was fabulous and so did Miss Freyja but our momma - well, let's just say that she has no aPURReciation for the finer things in life.

houndstooth said...

I hope your mom is feeling better soon! Are you still enjoying your bubble baths on class nights for the Reuf?


Maxmom said...

It's nice to know that you are feeling better....
Each moment, each hour, each day - offers a treasure...we just have to find it.
Sending lotsaluv to you

White Dog Blog said...

Amen, Bleu, may it be. Glad you are among the blessed.