Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Thursday With The Reufus Training and also... Quiet Celebration!

My, how time flies. It's already Thursday again, and this past week has been chock full of extreme triple digit temperatures and also busy-ness.
Of course, you know that I much prefer laid back, quiet kinda Bleusy times with the cool air blowing gently through my furs... so I'm really not so happy that my time has been hi-jacked by incessant training and volunteerism.

Don't get me wrong. Both are important and valid and noble. I just miss indulgent The Bleu Time (and so does my the Mom!)! 

Thursday nights are what they are. Reuf runs off with the Mom. And I make the very most of the evening... from start to finish... self indulgence and guilty pleasures!

I love starting the evening out with a bubble bath and a glass of wine. It's nice to unwind from a week of Reufus. And tonight, with just a hint of abandon... I decided to let my ears dip in the bubble pond!
And meanwhile, a couple of miles from here... My shadow, my thorn, my brother is greeting his trainers and fellow classmates with enthusiasm.

He and the Mom had a difficult week of training. I don't know if you would call it a plateau... or if Reuf is maxed out or maybe even mad at the Mom for some reason, but it wasn't a great week.

As training weeks go, the time investment in this one has been thoughtful but maxed. The Mom holds herself totally responsible for failures, and she thinks this training week has pretty much been one.
I don't know her personally, but I can't say enough good things about Reuf's trainer, Tracie! She seems to understand, love and appreciate the bad boy... and she's able to explain him to the Mom. Tonight, for example... Thoughtful words are exchanged. And the Mom is re-energized. Hope is restored. And frustration, for the time being, has subsided.
Tonight's Beyond Basic Class included:
  1. Walk with loose leash and intermittent sits.
  2. Sit/ Stay with distance.
  3. Settle or Down/Stay with distance.
  4. Spin and Reverse. Our Little Reufus is a pro at this command!!!
  5. Wave.... Ain't happening. Thank you, Tracie, for your counseling!
  6. Roll Over. Great job, Reuf!!! He did great!
  7. A-Frame. Reverse from last week, and from the right side (tonight's class required the dog to work from the right side of the trainer... Obedience always requires work from the left. Agility from both sides.) Reufus was PERFECT on each attempt!
  8. A-Frame / Call Away. This exercise teaches the dog to listen and to be called away from what he expects.
  9. Tunnel. Reufus did well racing through a hard walled barrell.
  10. Over. Reuf learned to jump over low boards/hurdles. And tonight... from the right side.
  11. Jump. Reuf learned to jump through a hoop!
Reufus and the Mom arrived in a state of frustration and anxiety. As class ended, they walked over, gathered the long lead and started their way out of the arena...

When they passed the box top, Reuf hopped on top and sat. The Mom paused for a great while and then released him. He hopped off, wagging his tail!

And now, we are all here. We are all home. The Reufus is settled in his crate. And it's BED TIME for all of us! No need for stress. No need for anxiety. It's truly... all good.

Night Night from Me! Woo Hoo!!! 


Sheila and Bob said...

Well what a nusy week, we know every one down in your neck of the woods has to be getting very tired of the heat. We had it for about a week (not as bad as you, only upper 90's) and now we are back down to upper 80's with mosquitoes galore.
It really does sound like The Reufus is making strides. We look forwards to your continued description of the exploits of you, The Mom and The Reufus.

Hamish & Sophie

Berts Blog said...

Whoa, it has been a long time since I have left a comment.

I'm so sorry it is still so hot for you guys.

Very impressive stuff your working on in your training. I better get My Vickie working on some of those things.

They sound like fun. She is happy if I do a sit and stay.

Well hope things cool down for you.


houndstooth said...

Whew! I need a bubble bath after all that!

Mom says that there's always a plateau in training. Pshaw! I am SURE that never happened to me! Yeah, that's the ticket!


White Dog Blog said...

Progress comes in fits and starts like a spastic bunny! Best to just let it happen as it does and applaud those moments when all is sublime!

We wish EVERYONE there a relaxing weekend full of refreshing coolness and celebrated successes.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so waiting for al this hot stuff to go away from here too - too much.

We didn't thinkg the report was all that bad - sounds to us like Reufus did pretty well. He is still a young lad and h will get it.

Bleu- you sure look like you were enjoying that bubble bath.

Have a good weekend and hopefully a cooler one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and ???

♥I am Holly♥ said...

I love the picture of the Bleu in the bubble bath!!! That is so cute!!! It sounds like training is going well. I hope it starts to cool off everywhere soon. It's been a very hot summer! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe he needs a mini khamp in Pawsylvania -

Just sayin'


D.K. Wall said...

Well, you may call it a plateau, but it sounds like he accomplished a lot again this week.

Shane Kent Louis said...

wow! I want to take a bubbles bath! :(

Dog Fence